Location: United States

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Normal Life of A 21 year old Female Indian Brahmin - Part 9

Isn’t that Amrutha?”

“Looks nothing like the girl I saw in Chennai, hmmm… so she can dress well”

“Don’t be rude”

“I am not, merely stating the obvious”

“What do you have against her?”

“Nothing at all. Why don’t you wave and catch her attention?

Krish tries to catch her attention but all in vain.

“Who is she looking at? “

“Well, it looks like she is walking straight towards the guy in the green t-shirt”

“Yea it does. Who the hell is he?”

“There is only one way to find out. Ask her”

“Come on. Let’s go meet them.”

They find Amrutha and the stranger in a hug.

“What the hell is going on?”

“Hi Krish Hi Trish”

“Hi. Start explaining”

“This is Vikranth. He is my boyfriend”


“He was my senior in college. Right now, he is doing his MBA in the same university I have an admit from.”

“This is surprising.”

“Don’t be too shocked Krish. I meant to tell you. Just didn’t find the right time.”

“Do you have a summer workshop at all?”

“No I don’t, I just wanted to be with him”

“Why the hell did you lie, Kuku?”

“I didn’t just omitted a few details”

“Are you going to be staying with him?”

“Yea, he does live alone, so it won’t be a problem”

Amrutha, does anyone know about this arrangement?”

“No. Please don’t tell anyone Krish

Krish, it’s not her fault. As soon as I get my MBA degree and land myself in a job, I will talk to her parents.”

“Well, I am not entirely convinced about you”

“Come on Krish. Give him a break. It was my decision to come here and be with him”

“It is up to you. But why didn’t you tell me. Had to drag myself out of bed on a weekend and drive an hour to reach here.”

“Sorry about the Krish. I did ask her to call you from Brussels, but she refused.”

Vikrant, I wanted to explain everything to Krish in person.

“Well, enough of this. Why don’t we get going? Amrutha must be tired”

“Trish is right. Let’s go. Amrutha got all your bags?”

“Yes I did. Vikranth give Krish your number.”

“Sure, Its 222-333-4444.Give me a call sometime Krish. I will talk to you in detail.”

“Yea sure and my number is 222-777-3333.Call me if you need anything.”

“Bye Krish, Bye Trish”



“Hey honey, why didn’t you tell Krish about us? It would have saved him a long drive”

“I already told you. I wanted to talk to him in person”

“Come on. We could have always invited him over for lunch and spoken to him about it.”

“I just wanted to talk to him as soon as I landed. Is it so hard to understand?”

“Trish didn’t look to happy about it.”

“Well, Trish is always annoyed.”

“That is interesting. Weren’t you the one who told me she was wonderful?”

“I changed my mind”

“Why may I ask?”

“It’s a long story, How about some other day?”


“Why don’t you call Krish up and invite him for dinner tomorrow? We can talk in leisure”

“No way, we can meet up next weekend. I want to have you all to myself for now.”

“Come on. What’s in a dinner?”

“What is wrong with you? Don’t you want to be with me?”

“Yes I do, but do I have to give up my friends?”

“I can’t believe this. We are arguing already.”


Amrutha, be reasonable. We just met today. You need to unpack and relax this weekend”


“Fine. Why don’t you call Krish? I am not allowed to use the phone when driving”

Amrutha picks up his phone and dials.

“Hey Trish Can I talk to Krish?”

“Sorry, He is driving”

“Oh. How about dinner? Tomorrow”

“Tomorrow? One second Amrutha

Trish presses on the mute button.

Krish, Amrutha is inviting us over for dinner tomorrow. What do I tell her?”

Hmmm… Just say no. It’s the only day I get to spend with you. Besides I have a meeting first thing Monday morning. Please, make up an excuse”

Trish presses on the mute button again.

“It’s not possible. We are going to Krish’s cousin’s place for lunch.”

“Well, I am asking about dinner.”

“Sorry Amrutha, I have no idea when we will be back. How about next weekend?”

“Will let you know. Talk to you later.”


“Trish, she refused the invite”

“I told you so.”

“How rude”


“She was so direct in refusing. Didn’t care for my feelings”

“Come on Amruth. Why are you taking this to heart?”

“Forget it. You won’t understand.”

Hmmm…. Why don’t you get some sleep? It’s going to be awhile before we reach home.”


The next day at the mall

Vikranth, you are crazy .Why did we have to drive an hour to get to this mall? Aren’t there any malls in our area?”

“This is the biggest in the state, wanted to bring you to the best.”

“How sweet let’s shop”

“I didn’t bring you here to shop. I brought you here so that you don’t fall asleep. Otherwise you won’t get over you jet lag”

“Shopping will keep me awake.”

“O.K. You are allowed one thing for  $10 or less”

“We’ll see. Where do we go first?”

“How about Macy’s? It’s a really nice chain. You will like it”


Just then

Vikranth, look over there”

“What is it?”

Doesn’t that woman look like Trish?”

“She does I guess. Don’t remember her very well.”

“She is Trish, which means she lied. They had no lunch invite”

“Give them a break Amrutha. It’s a white lie. They wanted to be alone. So what? They are newly married aren’t they?”

“How dare she lie to me?”

Amrutha, Please don’t get upset. I want you to have fun today. Let’s go to Macy’s”

“It is so irritating. Why should she lie?”

“How do you know it was her? Maybe Krish didn’t want to meet”

“No I know her. She did it”

Amrutha, hear yourself. You sound pathetic. Come on. We are going to have some fun. Let’s go”

“Sorry, didn’t mean to spoil your mood. Let’s go”

Amrutha was really hurt and angry. I can’t believe Trish lied. I will confront her about it someday.


Blogger DV said...

hey kanch...waiting for ur next part...guess u r busy with other things...may b u can make it short and finish the story...cant stand the suspense!

12:14 AM  

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