
Location: United States

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Things I should have learnt

  1. Don't judge anyone by your first instinct ( Veda, Vish, Kartik, Sriram)
  2. Some people are UNBELIEVABLE.
  3. You can never predict human minds, so quit trying.
  4. You'd rather be in a crowd where you are considered stupid, rather than in a crowd where you are surrounded by stupidity.
  5. Its OK! to like someone today, hate them tomorrow and like them the day after.
  6. Even if people around you think its unnecessary, its OK! to do the "right" thing.
  7. Sometimes people who are totally unrelated to you can brighten your mood (Vp's ex boss)
  8. If you have someone you can call up at 12:00 midnight to talk about your bad day, you are lucky ( I am)
  9. In group projects, you either have to have the guts to take the lead or be a slacker, no point being "worker bee".
  10. When you are completely frustrated, don't lose hope there is always a bigger frustration around the corner to help you forget this one :)
  11. You will always regret 90% of your decisions.
  12. There are some amazing truths in "Calvin and Hobbes".
  13. The unanswerable question "Whats the point?"
  14. I was happier when I was 2....
  15. Hard work gets you no where...(most of the time)
  16. Being nice gets you no where..(most of the time)
  17. At the end of most projects the person who works the most will be made to feel like crap..
  18. Always aim higher.. don't settle..
  19. Its OK! to think you're smart.
  20. You are going to turn cynical some day :)
  21. It is easy to waste time when you are upset.
  22. You have to get to a point where you take things in the stride.
  23. I am a hypocrite (sometimes)
  24. My 2 year old niece singing "All you boys, come on make some noish and say Om Shampi Om"... can erase out any bad day.
More to come......